Monday, October 19, 2015

October News

In this unit, students collect, represent, describe, categorize, and interpret both categorical and numerical data. They begin the important work of seeing a data set as a whole as they design and carry out their own data investigations, create representations of the data collected, and compare and discuss these representations. Students draw conclusions about the data by identifying characteristics in their representations. (Where is most of the data clumped? Where is the mode?) Students’ collection of numerical data includes measuring length in inches and feet. Students review the basic units of inches, feet, and yards and their relationships (e.g., one foot is equivalent to 12 inches, one yard is equivalent to 3 feet or 36 inches) by measuring lengths longer than one foot.
Student Handbook: Page 88-109

In reading we have focused on building on our schema and applying our background knowledge to new learning through activating, and building on our connections. We have modeled these strategies and students have independently applied this skill through text to various content areas.
We will be working on finding evidence from our reading to support written responses. Then we will focus on asking questions when we read. Your reading will understand that good readers ask questions before, during, and after they are reading and that some questions will not have answers provided within the text. Asking questions about our reading helps us find new information, solve problems, extend our understanding, and clear up our confusion.
Writer’s Workshop we will work on finishing up our personal narratives. We will also work on starting our information writing. This will focus on using nonfiction text as models, using expert works, and including nonfiction text features. We will also work on the structure of writing a paragraph and what the main components of a paragraph are.

Social Studies
We have compared and contrasted Parker and how it has changed overtime. We will finish up working on our reflections from our interviews so that we can get a deeper understanding of how the past has influences our lives in the present. We had a great time during our presentations from our “Now and Then Interview”. Thank you to all the friends and family that came to support our students’ hard work and new learning!

Students will learn that citizens join a community to live, work and play. Being a responsible citizen, students will add to their background knowledge, to analyze and take action on how to become a positive influence within our community through making a difference projects.  For a better understanding, after fall break we will implement "Peace Fridays". On Fridays we will be exploring the lives of Nobel Laureates through literacy, geography, history & civics. In addition to using our thinking strategies while reading about the laureate's childhood stories, we will also be analyzing the characteristics of effective citizenship, learning about locations around the globe where the laureates live, as well as comparing and contrasting those communities to our own community here in Parker. It's truly amazing how "Peace" can weave itself into every part of our 3rd grade year.

Dates to Remember: 
October 7th: Now and Then Project Due
October 8th: Now and Then Gallery 3rd grade rooms, from 9:40-10:20
October 9-18th: Fall Break
October 30th: Halloween Parties (9:15-10:15) and Parade (10:15-10:30)